Updating T&ID Policy, Manual & Inspection Procedure Manual

September 4, 2023
Our Role

A major fertilizer company assigned Velosi for the Consultancy Services for Revision of “Maintenance Strategy, Maintenance Policy & Procedures” and “Updating T&ID Policy, Manual & Inspection Procedure Manual.”

The main objectives of the project are listed below:

  • To review policy and strategic course aligned with the Company’s Vision and Mission and aligned with company standards considering best industry practices.
  • To elaborate on the responsibilities of different levels of the Technical & Integrity Division (T&ID)/ Plant Availability Division (PAD) organization and interfaces with other Divisions.
  • To address observations of various audit reports.
  • To review job functions performed by T&ID/PAD as per best industry practices
  • To prepare new T&ID Policy & Manual and Inspection Procedure Manual
  • To prepare new PAD strategy and Policy Manual and Maintenance Procedures

Velosi will execute the following deliverables:

  • T&ID Policy and Manual
  • Inspection Procedures
  • Maintenance Strategy and Policy Manual
  • Maintenance Procedures

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Maintenance Strategy, Maintenance Policy & Procedures

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