Advanced Well Completion and Workover Technologies Training

Advanced Well Completion and Workover Technologies Training
  • Online (Microsoft Teams)
  • +971 562069465
  • Velosi is conducting Advanced Well Completion and Workover Technologies Training

    Velosi’s Advanced Completion and Workover course provides a comprehensive introduction to the various aspects of completion and intervention technology. The course material covers a range of design, diagnostic, and intervention technologies, culminating in a discussion of the impact of operations on surface facilities and plug and abandonment requirements. It highlights the practical application of these technologies, with design examples and case studies of both successful and unsuccessful operations used to illustrate key concepts and the risks involved in the process.

    This course will provide an in-depth overview of the latest technologies and techniques used in well-completion and workover operations. The utmost goal of the course is to equip participants with the knowledge and skills necessary to deliver and maintain high-quality wells. Participants will learn about the challenges and opportunities associated with unconventional reservoirs, and how advanced technologies can be used to improve production and profitability. Moreover, the course will also cover the latest advances in sand control, well-stimulation, and artificial lift technologies.

  • By the end of this course, participants will learn to:

    • Identify the challenges and opportunities associated with unconventional reservoirs.
    • Explain the latest advances in well-completion and workover technologies.
    • Apply advanced technologies to improve production and profitability.
    • Select the appropriate technologies for a given well completion or workover project.
    • Evaluate the risks and benefits of advanced technologies.
    • Develop a comprehensive completion strategy for wells in a range of scenarios.
    • Select appropriate tubing, packers, and completion flow control equipment.
    • Evaluate and design an effective flow barrier strategy.
    • Provide recommendations on best practices for the installation and retrieval of tubing, packers, and other equipment.
    • Identify key design considerations for horizontal, multilateral, HPHT wells, and other complex well types.
    • Evaluate the key features and applicability of various sand control, frac pack, and well-stimulation options.
    • Assess concerns related to formation damage and skin removal, and specify appropriate remedial measures.
  • Training will be conducted via Microsoft Team Meeting. Meeting invites will be shared one day before the first day of training. 

    Face-to-face training is available as per request.

  • 04 Days of training from 09:00 AM to 03:00 PM GST (UAE Time)

    • Presentation Slides
    • Training Recordings
    • Study References
  • Upon successful completion of training, participants will receive an "Advanced Well Completion and Workover" course completion certificate.

  • This course is appropriate for a wide range of professionals but is not limited to:

    • Petroleum engineers/production engineers
    • Oil and gas industry professionals interested to gain knowledge about advanced well completion and workover technologies.
    • Drilling operations/contractors/personnel
how can we help you?

Contact us at the Velosi office nearest to you or submit a business inquiry online.

Fees + VAT as applicable

Tax Registration Number: 100442245500003

(including coffee breaks and a buffet lunch daily)

Course Outline

  • Introduction to advanced well completion and workover technologies

    • Unconventional reservoirs
    • Advanced technologies for unconventional reservoirs

    Sand control technologies

    • Mechanical sand control
    • Chemical sand control

    Well-stimulation technologies

    • Hydraulic fracturing
    • Acidizing

    Artificial lift technologies

    • Pumping systems
    • Gas lift

    Case studies

    Future trends

    • Emerging technologies for well completion and workover