Risk based Inspection Methodology for the Static and Piping System and revamp the VAIL-Plant software.

July 3, 2022
Our Role

Bunduq Company Limited has awarded a contract to Velosi to develop the Risk based Inspection Methodology for the Static and Piping System and revamp the VAIL-Plant software.

Bunduq required the implementation of the VAIL-Plant web application to manage their RBI and Inspection activities.

About VAIL-Plant: VAIL-Plant is a fully certified Asset Performance Management Software Solution specifically designed for Oil & Gas, Power and Petrochemical industry which facilitates inspection and maintenance management cycles by using RBI, RCM, SIL, and FMECA approaches.

Using VAIL-Plant, plant operators can achieve the best value of their assets at the lowest possible expenses. By identifying the areas to be improved; they have full-time access to credible and accurate data and reports hence ensuring the safe operation.

Risk based Inspection Methodology

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