Certified Asset Integrity Professional Training Free Demo Session online


Certified Asset Integrity Professional Training Free Demo Session online

Date September 15, 2021 5:00 pm
Time 01H,00M
Where Online (ZOOM)
For further information +971 2 6349815 info@velosiaims.com

Certified Asset Integrity Professional Training Free Demo Session online

Velosi is conducting Certified Asset Integrity Professional Training Free Demo Session online.

The Certified Asset Integrity Professional Training focuses on the core elements of safety, integrity, reliability, regulatory compliance and data management. An effective Asset Integrity program provides assurance that a facility’s equipment and assets are designed, fabricated, procured, installed and maintained in a manner appropriate for its intended application, throughout the life of the operation.

Benefits of being an Asset Integrity Professional:

  • Hiring preferences and salary increases.
  • Career advancement.
  • Worldwide recognition.
  • Develop technical expertise.

The highlight of the session: 

  • Overview of Asset Integrity Management
  • Sample Exam Questions w/Answers
  • Benefits
  • Eligibility
  • Exam Format

From: September 15, 2021 5:00 pm

To: September 15, 2021 6:00 pm

Status: Completed

Type: Webinar

Actvet CPD