Importance of Consequence Analysis Model in Building Risk Assessment

Importance of Consequence Analysis Model in Building Risk Assessment

Consequence Model Analysis

Consequence Model Analysis is part of stage 2 (building hazard assessment) in Building Risk Assessment. This stage is very important for the safety of people and surroundings and also plays an important role in securing building (structural) integrity.

Consequence Model Analysis incorporates the consequences identified from any hazardous or risk-based event. Such as fire, explosion, and toxic gas dispersion and explosion analysis. These consequences determine the harmful effects of hazardous releases on buildings. Therefore, the consequence analysis built is used to reduce, prevent, or eliminate risks. Process accidents involving hazardous materials are assessed in terms of their impact on people, the environment, and the process by means of consequence analysis. Toxic materials, flammables, and explosives are evaluated for the amounts and types of hazardous materials they release. Moreover, the dispersal of the released material inside and outside the facility is studied.

The consequence analysis model consists of three steps:

1) Identify all possible consequences

2) Rank them according to the severity of incidents

3) Categorize them according to the probability of hazard effects

Building Risk Assessment (BRA)

Building Risk Assessment (BRA) is a systematic technique to examine and evaluate the risks associated with people inside or surrounding the building.

The safety of people is very important. Hazards and risks shall be properly identified and examined through a well-structured Building Risk Assessment. Therefore, the designated personnel conduct this technique to diligently identify, investigate, and evaluate hazards and risks within buildings/occupied buildings. A building with or without occupants can be exposed to different kinds of risks or hazards, that need to be evaluated beforehand.

Three Stages of Building Risk Assessment (BRA)

  1. Building Evaluation

Hazard Identification and Occupancy Analysis – this specific analysis evaluates the occupancy rate within the building to identify any potential hazards and risks associated.

  1. Hazard Assessment of the building

Consequence Analysis Model and Review– This stage determines consequences from hazards and risks such as fire, toxic gas dispersion, or explosion, and the harmful impact they will add to the health of the building. All the consequences are listed in the shape of a model, further focusing on risk reduction methods.

  1. Risk Management Assessment

Risk Management Assessment – There can be several different types of risk associated with a building and its occupants. There might be certain risks present that cannot be reduced initially due to which risk management assessment shall be conducted.

Benefits of Building Risk Assessment

  • Identify risks to reduce, prevent, or eliminate hazards
  • Execute a proper risk analysis report with the 3 stages of building risk assessment.
  • Determine and differentiate between hazardous areas and safe areas for better risk assessment procedures.
  • Carefully examine feasibility analysis of different occupied building structures.

Minimum Data Required To Conduct Building Risk Assessment and Identify Consequence Analysis Model:

  • Existing PHA/HAZOP report
  • Properly executed Consequence Analysis Model
  • Note down the list and structural drawings of occupied buildings
  • List the buildings for analysis and their occupancy figures


In conclusion, Environmental and human health effects are evaluated for toxic materials. In the case of flammables, the impact of heat radiation from a fire is calculated. Furthermore, several methods are used to estimate the effects of blast overpressures on people, equipment, and structures when dealing with explosive materials.

Consequence analysis is a type of risk analysis that is used by organizations to determine the impact and likelihood of potential risks. In other words, it helps organizations take appropriate measures when they are faced with uncertainty or risk. The consequence analysis model can be used as a way to identify, analyze and rank risks in order of their severity and the likelihood of making an informed decision.

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