Pictures from Asset Integrity & Process Safety Oil & Gas Conference 2023

May 15, 2023
Our Role
Event Completed

Velosi Asset Integrity Limited was honored to participate in the Asset Integrity and Process Safety Conference & Exhibition in Jubail, Saudi Arabia, on May 2–4, 2023. It was an honor that Mr. Ijaz Ul Karim Rao, Director of Velosi, focused on “The Implementation of CMMS by ECA and FMECA based RCM approach using VAIL-Plant Software (Project Case Study).”

It was a great success for participants to leave the Asset Integrity and Process Safety Conference & Exhibition with a thorough awareness of important advancements in worldwide NDT & NDE standards, corrosion control, and HAZOP. Additionally, it demonstrated how the digitization of asset integrity and its implications for process safety might increase productivity and profitability by lengthening the entire asset lifespan.

Velosi has a keen interest in business gatherings. In order to best serve our clients throughout the world, we design very effective solutions that are suited to their individual needs.

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Velosi extends great interest in professional conferences. We aim to provide the best services and create the best suitable high-efficiency solutions for our clients.

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