Comprehensive Upgrade of RBI System (VAIL-Plant) Asset Integrity Management System (AIMS)

July 12, 2023
Our Role

Velosi is pleased to announce that it has been awarded a significant contract by Binh Son Refinery and Petrochemical JSC in Quang Ngai, Vietnam, to perform a comprehensive upgrade of its Asset Integrity Management Systems (AIMS).

Under this project, Velosi will execute all the necessary processes essential for a successful enterprise systems upgrade. The team is fully committed to delivering outstanding results and ensuring a seamless transition to advanced and efficient solutions.

Among the activities that the Velosi implementation team will execute are the following:

  • Migration from on-premises AIMS applications to the Velosi AIMS Cloud applications.
  • Enhancement and upgradation of the Velosi Risk-Based Inspection Software.
  • Upgrade of the Velosi Asset Performance Management System.
  • Upgrade of the Pressurized Equipment Management System.
  • Upgrade of the Inspection Scheduling Management System.
  • Configuration and setup of the AIMS Cloud applications to meet Binh Son Refinery and Petrochemical JSC’s specific requirements.
  • Training and support for the client’s personnel to ensure a smooth transition and effective utilization of the upgraded systems.

At Velosi, the paramount importance of maintaining the integrity and reliability of assets in the oil and gas industry is well understood. By implementing Velosi’s cutting-edge AIMS solutions, Binh Son Refinery and Petrochemical JSC will gain enhanced capabilities in managing their assets, optimizing maintenance strategies, and mitigating operational risks.

Velosi is immensely proud to be entrusted with this responsibility and is fully committed to delivering excellence. The experienced team will leverage their expertise to ensure a smooth and efficient upgrade process, minimizing downtime and maximizing the benefits derived from the advanced AIMS technology.

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RBI System

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