Independent Verification Bodies (IVB) & Technical Integrity Verification (TIV)

The engineering industry prioritizes the safety and reliability of its projects. Velosi through its Independent Verification Body services keenly assess engineering projects throughout their lifecycle, encompassing design, construction, and operation. Our professionals verify adherence to relevant standards and regulations, pinpoint potential risks, and propose improvement recommendations. This independent evaluation offers invaluable assurance to project stakeholders, including owners and operators, that their assets are built and function according to the highest standards.

Velosi specializes in Technical Integrity Verification (TIV) services, a specific type of IVB service that dives deep into the technical aspects of a project. TIV ensures the soundness of the design, the suitability of materials, and the adherence to construction specifications. This comprehensive verification process minimizes technical risks and safeguards the long-term integrity of the project.

Velosi’s TIV services are specifically tailored to meet the requirements of the ADNOC Group HSECES Management Standard GP&E-GAIPS/STD-07, ensuring projects comply with the Performance Standards for Health, Safety, Environment, Community Engagement, and Security (HSECES).

Velosi provides a critical layer of assurance in engineering projects. We conduct comprehensive reviews throughout the project lifecycle, verifying compliance with relevant standards (like HSECES) and identifying potential risks.


Benefits of IVB

Enhanced Asset Integrity
Mitigation of Asset Failures
Reinforced Safety & Environmental Achievement
Compliance with Standards & Regulations

Benefits of TIV

Minimized Technical Risks
Optimized Performance
Enhanced Safety and Risk Reduction
Improved Reliability and Performance


Project Execution & QHSE Plan
TIV Scheme
HSECES Identification Verification Report
Written Scheme of Examination for Each Project Phase
HSECES Technical Integrity Verification (HSECES-TIV)
Initial Statement of Suitability (For each Phase)


Case Studies