VAIL-CTR Software | Cost, Time and Resource Management System Solutions
VAIL-CTR Software: Cost, time and resource are three key aspects of projects that contractors and engineers need to account for. An essential part of the technical content of a contract, a Cost Time Resource (CTR) sheet is a type of document that describes the boundaries for each of the required activities to complete in a specific work, involving a statement of work (SOW) defining the work content, resources needed, the time frame of the work and a cost estimate.
A cost, time and resource management module is usually used for generating the onshore man-hour estimate and cost estimate linked with the man-hours for the assigned project by the use of CTRs.
Velosi’s VAIL – CTR is a specifically designed software for estimating the applicable costs, time and resources for each CTR activity based on the company requirements. It describes the boundaries for each of the required activities to complete the work. The input data documented in this tool is extremely helpful for our clients to ensure timely supply of required deliverables.