VAIL-Plant Module - Inspection Scheduling Management System (ISMS)

Inspection Scheduling Management System (ISMS Software) is an integrated solution that facilitates the inspection planning and recordings through highly effective methods based on time, quantum and risk.

With Velosi’s effective Inspection Scheduling Management System, the operator can conceive packages from scheduled and ad-hoc inspections, design detailed inspection jobs and tasks, carry out inspection result recording, recognize anomalies, and finally create follow-up actions with maintenance notification.

VAIL- ISMS translates to significant cost efficient and improved efficiency strategies through optimized inspector allocation, ensuring the right expertise tackles each set task. Proactive inspections minimize downtime by preventing unexpected equipment failures, saving on production losses. Additionally, ISMS simplifies regulatory compliance by maintaining a comprehensive inspection history, streamlining adherence to industry standards.

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Benefits of ISMS

Capable to manage inspection activities for all types of assets/ equipment (tags).
Allows users to plan, schedule and execute Plant Maintenance Routines (PIR).
Enables users to create work scopes, work packages for the execution of PIR on a tag or a set of tags (package like boilers, pipe, and more).
Allows reviewers and approvers to enter remarks and comments.
Enables the monitoring process of the PIR plan.

ISMS Features

Bulk Data Importing from Excel Workspace Templates for Rapid Data Feeding
Role-Based Access
Audit Trails
Data Security and Integrity
Color Coding to have a One-Look Summary of the Status of Inspections

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