Microsoft Power BI

  • January 13, 2024 - February 3, 2024
  • 09:00 AM to 03:00 PM GST (Dubai Time)
  • Total Seats: 5 Reserved Seats: 1
  • Online (Microsoft Teams)
  • +971 562069465
  • This 4-day training program is designed to equip participants with the knowledge and skills to effectively utilize Microsoft Power BI. Power BI is a powerful business intelligence tool that allows users to connect to various data sources, create data models, design interactive dashboards, and generate insightful reports. Through hands-on exercises and practical examples, participants will learn the end-to-end workflow of business intelligence, data modeling, data visualization, and leveraging Power BI services.

  • By the end of this course, participants should be able to:

    • Understand the business intelligence workflow from end-to-end.
    • Perform data modeling and create relationships in Power BI.
    • Gain proficiency in using DAX (Data Analysis Expressions).
    • Master data visualization techniques using different charts and visual elements.
    • Build professional-quality business intelligence reports.
    • Publish BI report to Power BI service and share it with other users.
    • Explore the features and capabilities of Power BI services.
  • Training will be conducted via Microsoft Team Meeting. Meeting invites will be shared on the day before the first day of training.

    • Total of 24 hours of training spread across four days.
    • Presentation Slides
    • Training Recordings
    • Study References
  • Upon successful completion of training, participants will receive a “Microsoft Power BI Course Completion” certificate.

  • This course is appropriate for a wide range of professionals but not limited to:

    • Individuals interested in hands-on learning about Microsoft Power BI Desktop.
    • Data analysts and Excel users seeking to develop advanced data modeling, dashboard design, and business intelligence skills.
    • Data Scientist
    • AI Engineer
    • BI Specialist
    • Managers who want to learn how to use BI tools to make better business decisions.
  • Participants can avail a discount of either an early bird or group discount whichever is higher with an additional discount when signing up for 2 or more courses.

    Group Discount (same company only)

    • 15% Discount for groups of 5 or more
    • 10% Discount for groups of 3-4

    Bundle Discount

    • Sign up for 2 courses and get an extra 10% off
    • Sign up for 3 courses and get an extra 15% off
how can we help you?

Contact us at the Velosi office nearest to you or submit a business inquiry online.


Fees + VAT as applicable

Tax Registration Number: 100442245500003

(including coffee breaks and a buffet lunch daily)

Course Outline

  • Module 1: Introduction to Power BI

    • What is Business Intelligence?
    • Overview of self-service business intelligence (SSBI) tools.
    • Comparison between traditional BI and Power BI.
    • Introduction to Power BI elements.
    • Power BI installation.
    • Power BI workflow.

    Module 2: Connecting & Shaping Data with Power BI Desktop

    • Data connectors and data source connections.
    • Connecting with CSV, XLSX
    • Connecting with database and manage parameters
    • Introduction to Query Editor.
    • Data transformation techniques.
    • Working with number-specific and data-specific tools.
    • Adding index columns.
    • Adding conditional columns.
    • Grouping data.
    • Pivoting and unpivoting data.
    • Merging and appending queries.
    • Data source settings.
    • Query refreshing and data category definition.
    • Query editing and Power BI best practices.

    Module 2: LAB - Connecting & Shaping Data with Power BI Desktop

  • Module 3: Data Modeling

    • Introduction to database normalization.
    • Data ("Fact") tables vs. Lookup ("Dimension") tables.
    • Creating table relationships in Power BI.
    • Understanding "Star" vs. "Snowflake" schemas.
    • Active vs. inactive relationships.
    • Connecting multiple data tables.
    • Filtering and cross-filtering techniques.
    • Hiding fields from the Power BI report view.

    Module 3: LAB - Data Modeling

    Module 4: DAX (Data Analysis Expressions)

    • Essential concepts in DAX.
    • Importance of DAX in Power BI.
    • DAX syntax and data types.
    • Calculation types and DAX functions.
    • Working with measures and DAX operators.
    • DAX tables and filtering.
    • DAX queries and parameter naming.

    Module 4: LAB - DAX

  • Module 5: Data Visualization

    • Introduction to visuals in Power BI.
    • Creating charts, matrixes, and tables.
    • Utilizing slicers for data filtering.
    • Visualizing data on maps.
    • Gauges and single number cards.
    • Modifying colors in charts and visuals.
    • Adding shapes, text boxes, and images.
    • Page layout and formatting.
    • Key performance indicator (KPI) visuals.
    • Creating mobile reports.

    Module 5: LAB - DAX

    Module 6: Power BI Services

    • Publishing reports.
    • Creating workspaces.
    • Introduction to Power BI Service.
    • Dashboard vs. reports.
    • Sharing BI reports.
    • Creating and managing dashboards.
    • Power BI Q&A.
    • Managing permissions and visibilities.
    • Report scheduling.