VAIL-Plant® EIRMS Implementation & Re-Verification of Asset Tags for Multiple Facilities

November 29, 2023
Our Role

DOTL (Dragon Oil) assigned Velosi for the “VAIL PLANT EIRMS IMPLEMENTATION SERVICES (GOSP, CPSF, Aladja, Tank Farm, ZHD A, ZHD-25, LAM-28, LAM-C, LAM-22, LAM-13, LAM-63, LAM A, and LAM-B)”

The main objective of the project is Implementation of EIRMS Services for 13 facilities (GOSP, CPSF, Aladja, Tank Farm, ZHD A, ZHD-25, LAM-C, LAM-22, LAM-13, LAM-63, LAM A, LAM-B and LAM-28) using Velosi VAIL-Plant EIRMS Module. As a result, Velosi will perform site verification, prepare Markup drawings, update the Asset Register, Perform FMECA based RCM study for Electrical, Instrumentation and Mechanical assets, Implement the VAIL Plant-EIRMS Module and Upload EIRMS data templates in DOTL EIRMS & SAP System.

Velosi will execute the following deliverables:

  • Physical Asset Verification
    • On-site verification of all the facilities
    • Preparation of Mark-up drawings-PFD & PIDs in AutoCAD format as a result of site verification
  • Asset Register
    • Review and Segregation of engineering documents
    • Identification of assets, description, location & system
    • Listing of Tags from the Equipment List and engineering documents
    • Population of Engineering Data from engineering documents
    • Preparation of Redline Mark up of P&IDs
    • Listing of newly identified assets
    • Asset Classification & Categorization
    • Verify and Update the Asset Register
  • FMECA-based RCM Report for Electrical, Instrumentation and Mechanical assets, including:
    • Review of DOTL’s existing Maintenance History
    • Identification of applicable Failure Modes for each piece of equipment
    • Identification of Failure Effects, Causes and Maintainable items
    • Calculation of MTBF, Identification of POF & COF for Risk Analysis
    • Development of Maintenance Strategies & Task List
    • Preparation of Plant Maintenance Routines
    • Bill of Materials, Min/ Max Levels of Spare Parts
  • Implementation of VAIL Plant-EIRMS Module
  • Uploading of EIRMS data templates in DOTL EIRMS & SAP System.

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