MARTIC23 from 17th-19th October 2023 in Al-Khobar, Saudi Arabia

October 16, 2023
Our Role
Associate Sponsor

Velosi Asset Integrity Limited is thrilled to be an Associate Sponsor at MARTIC23. Join us from 17th-19th October 2023 in Al-Khobar, Saudi Arabia.

Velosi is a leading global consulting firm that provides Asset Integrity Management, HSE, Engineering Services and Software Solutions to clients in the energy industry around the world.

Velosi has developed a comprehensive Asset Integrity Management software; VAIL-Plant, that can be tailored to fulfill the specific needs of Energy companies worldwide.

By combining global coverage and local knowledge with our wide range of services we are able to create tailored solutions to complex problems. Our range of inter-related services and modular methodology ensures to accommodate a wide range of projects.

Meet our fantastic team in Al-Khobar, Saudi Arabia to find out more about our products and industry solutions.

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Let us help you to provide the best solution for your asset !