Escape, Evacuation and Rescue Analysis (EERA)

Escape, Evacuation, and Rescue Analysis (EERA) is a technique to assess the performance of the escape, evacuation, and rescue (EER) measures and arrangements. The objective of an EERA is to ensure that there are adequate measures at the facility to enable people to escape, muster, evacuate, and be rescued in the event of a major accident.

During emergency situations, efficient escape, evacuation and rescue are crucial to prevent injuries and fatalities. Our expertise and track record span various sectors, including oil and gas, maritime, offshore wind, and transportation.


Main Objectives of EERA include

To define the Escape, Evacuation, and Rescue (EER) arrangements and facilities for the offshore platform. The proposed EER arrangements enclose both the physical means provided for escape, evacuation and rescue, and the organizational and procedural measures in place to respond to emergencies.
To describe performance standards and loss of integrity criteria for the EER arrangements.
To check and define major accident hazards that can potentially affect the ability of personnel to escape or evacuate.
To describe main accident hazards whose effects can cause a loss of integrity of escape or evacuation facilities (residual risk events).
To conduct a risk assessment with respect to EER performance standards to show that performance criteria can be met.
To propose design changes and to identify problems for further investigation for meeting performance criteria.

The evaluation of the EER facilities incorporates the below steps

Identifying hazards that can potentially require personnel to search refuge in the TR and the consecutive evacuation of the platform if considered necessary.
Identifying hazards that may potentially impair the EER facilities.
Identifying hazards linked to the emergency response to hazardous events.
Assessing the capability of the EER arrangements regarding the hazards identified in the above 1 to 3 steps.
Estimating times required to evacuate the platform.


Case Studies