Safety Integrity Level (SIL) Verification Solutions

Safety Integrity Level (SIL) Verification Solutions

Safety Integrity Level (SIL) Verification is defined as the method of calculating the average probability of failure on demand (or the probability of failure per hour) and architectural restrictions for a safety function design to verify whether the safety instrument system meets the proposed safety integrity level.

Once the SIL assessment of a particular instrument function is done, the SIL verification feature enables the creation of a protective instrument loop, allowing the calculation of the SIL level for that particular loop.

Benefits of SIL Verification:

Ensures the process about the risk reduction achieved and meets the safety targets.
Provides opportunities for the process owner to fix the systematic errors which could have developed during the design phase.
Develops the preventive maintenance plan based on the criticality of the loop.
Ensures the safety of operating personnel and society by ensuring the reliability of safety devices when demanded.
Enhances profitability.


Case Studies