VAIL-Plant Module - Hull Integrity Management System (HIMS)

VAIL-Plant HIMS module provides a rationalized approach to perform inspections of Hull structure and identifies the general and critical area for inspection activities. It is based on industry standards DNV-OSS-102, DNV-OSS-103 and DNV-OSS-304.

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VAIL-Plant HIMS Module Salient Features

Six inspection criteria (Coating Condition, General Condition, Pitting/Grooving, Deformation Fractures and Cleanliness) have been identified for each compartment & these are inspected for each zone.
Compartments are divided into zones for inspection and grading of inspection criteria.
Identification of Critical structural areas for a compartment/zone based on engineering analysis and in-service experience.
The inspection criteria are graded with a score (rating) from 0 to 5. The scores are added for each zone and rolled up to get a normalized score for the compartment.
Capability to identify the general inspection activities and inspection activities for critical areas.
Damage Mechanisms Identification for each zone & Risk Evaluation.
Inspection, Maintenance, Replacements, and Failure History Recording.
Hull Inspection Routines (Inspection Packs) definition and execution.
Drawings Management.
Graphical Trends.
Effective Reporting.
Custom Query.

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