Velosi Algeria Delivers HAZOP Study To Prepare Compliance EDD as per ED 21-319


HAZOP Study – For process industries, however, the concern about safety is pivotal. The legislature’s Decree 21-319 includes some severe measures for purpose of this objective. This blog post has a successful case study from Velosi Algeria. The fact that our HAZOP study specialists in the field were very helpful to submit compliant (EDD) and (EIE) studies that complied with decree requirements.

Understanding Executive Decree 21-319

Executive Decree 21-319, which was formulated in 2021, provides for a system of accounting for major accident hazards in the industrial installations. Moreover, it dictates the use of the established programmes to tackle hazards evaluation and prevention. It guarantees the general safety of people, the environment, and industrial appliances by implementing sustainable solutions.

Velosi Algeria’s HAZOP Study Expertise

The HAZOP study methodology is a systematic approach, in which the process is comprehensively scrutinized by a multi-disciplinary team with expert participation. The members of this team study the decisions made by professionals on deviations from their initial ideas and examine the repercussions of such adjustments. Velosi Algeria team with the HAZOP specialists carried out a complete survey which was aimed at detecting any hazards from the client process.

By employing HAZOP Study, Velosi Algeria was able to:

  1. Proactively identify hazards: The work identified such safety problems that could have slipped through design clearances, had this been the traditional process.
  2. Evaluate risk: The risks involved in each of the identified hazards were evaluated by the team based on their inherent severity and occurrence probability.
  3. Develop mitigation strategies: Relevant recommendations that would mitigate the risks were developed to guarantee the safety and fluidity of the process.


Navigating Algeria’s Hydrocarbon Sector

In light of Executive Decree No. 21-319 issued on August 14, 2021, Algeria’s government has taken a significant step towards enhancing the safety, environmental protection, and efficiency of the hydrocarbon sector. This decree is crucial for stakeholders in the industry as it provides a structured regulatory framework for obtaining authorizations for installations and structures.


  • Regulating operating authorizations for hydrocarbon-related installations and works.
  • Outlining the approval process for risk studies, environmental impact assessments, and hazard notices.

In summary, this decree consolidates and updates legislative and regulatory measures aimed at controlling and overseeing hydrocarbon activities in Algeria. It establishes a comprehensive framework for the authorization and management of hydrocarbon installations and operations.

Implementation of the Compliant EDD and EIE

The knowledge gained through performing the HAZOP analysis was integrated into the development of the EDD and EIE studies. The EDD, a key safety measure in the engineering design process, lists all the protection measures to compensate the found hazards. The EIE, which concerns equipment integrity preservation, requires that crucial equipment is correctly designed as well as kept in operation and in good repair so that their failures could not lead to accidents.

The strategic approach ensured that both the EDD and EIE studies complied with the regulations of the Executive Decree No. 21-319. This not only assures compliance with the regulations, but also enhances workplace safety culture within the client’s organization.


Velosi Algeria’s solution goes beyond ensuring immediate compliance. The documented hazards and mitigation strategies from the HAZOP study serve as a valuable reference for future process modifications or expansions. This proactive approach ensures that safety remains a priority throughout the entire facility lifecycle.

By employing a data-driven and comprehensive HAZOP-centric approach, Velosi Algeria empowers organizations in Algeria to navigate the requirements of Executive Decree 21-319 while fostering a culture of safety that prioritizes the well-being of personnel, the environment, and industrial operations.

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