SIL Study for all Operating Units at QP Refinery, MESAIEED

Qatar Petroleum decided to carry out SIL Integrity Level For All Operating Units At QP Refinery MESAIEED, for intended safety and fit for purpose for the next 20 years. In accordance with IEC 61511 and to verify through SIL Verification calculations that the design meets the integrity levels.
Scope of Work
To carry out SIL study as per the following four (4) stages.
- Prepare Master plan.
- Carryout SIL review.
- SIL Verification and analysis.
- Generate report and recommendations.
Velosi successfully submitted the following deliverables:
- Master plan for Safety life cycle management.
- Calibrated risk graph matrix.
- List of all SIF with assigned SIL.
- SIL verification report with calculation sheet for each SIF.
- SRS report.
- Gap analysis report & recommendations for each SIF.
- Master PM Plan for each SIF devices to maintain SIL level.
- Spurious trip report.
- Guidelines for QA/QC of effectiveness of PM plans for all SIL.
- Guideline to suggest ways and means for all actions need to be logged and for how many years the records need to be maintained.
- Guideline for Carrying out periodic auditing of SIL Validation and verification program.
- A written procedure for all SIL Identification program comprising above activities.
- Software and license of exSILentia or equivalent Software.
- Guideline for carrying out SIL assessments for future modifications done in house at different stages.