RCM-II Study of Sujjal-1 Front End Compression (FEC) Package for Mari Petroleum Company Limited (MPCL)

  • Mari Petroleum Company Limited (MPCL)
  • Pakistan
  • South-Asia
MPCL assigned Velosi to perform Reliability Centered Maintenance (RCM) Study to shift the maintenance plan from OEM based to RCM based plan & to optimize the maintenance plan in order to ensure maximum availability, reliability, reduced downtime with reduced maintenance cost, probability of failure with environmental, regulatory or safety consequences.


The scope of work included carrying out RCM Study of Front-End Compression (FEC) Package installed at Sujawal Field (Sujjal-1) located ~ 170 KM from Karachi for MPCL. The scope of work includes all equipment including electrical, mechanical & instrumentation as per boundary limits.


Velosi carried out RCM Study for Sujjal Front End Compression Package for MPCL assets using VAIL-PLANT EIRMS (Electrical, Instrumentation & Rotary Management System). Velosi has performed site visit for Sujjal FEC Package for visual inspection, data collection and discussion with site team. During the study, Asset Register was developed as per ISO-14224 to perform RCM study in line with SAE JA1011/ 1012 standards, Failure Modes aligning with ISO-14224 & OREDA, Failure Mode Effect and Criticality Analysis (FMECA) in accordance with BS EN 60812 resulting in Optimization of PM Plans, Task Lists and Job Plans along with recommended spares.

Following steps were performed for carrying out the study;

  • Collection and Review of MPCL data
  • Site Visit for Visual Inspection and Data Collection
  • Preparation of Asset Register
  • Development of Equipment Boundary as per ISO-14224
  • Identification of Function and Function Failure
  • Identification of Failure Modes
  • Listing and classification of failure modes (Classified as Critical, Degraded, Incipient)
  • Identification of failure effects to evaluate the consequences of failure on People, Financial Loss (Asset + Production), Environment, Reputation/Community Impact/Social-Cultural Heritage.
  • Identification of Causes and Maintainable items
  • Development of Reliability Model Steps
  • Review and Assessment of Failure and Maintenance History
  • Calculation of MTBF (Mean Time Between Failure)
  • Identification of POF & COF for Risk Analysis
  • Development of Maintenance Strategies
  • Development of Job Plans and PMRs (PM Intervals, Task Lists, Spares)
  • Findings & Recommendations

Population of Data in EIRMS module of VAIL-Plant


Velosi performed RCM Study and provided the outcome in the form of reports along with recommendations to improve the asset performance and operational life. Velosi also utilized the EIRMS module of VAIL-Plant for better and efficient maintenance and data management of the assets.


Velosi developed the following deliverables:

  • Asset Register
  • FMECA Worksheet
  • Planned Maintenance Routines (PMRs) with Maintenance Strategies, PM Plans, Task Lists and Recommendations, Recommended Spares
  • Job Plans
  • Comparison OEM vs RCM recommendations
  • RCM Report & Presentation
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Mr. Ijaz Ul Karim Rao
Ijaz Ul Karim Rao
MD, Velosi Asset Integrity Limited

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