Pipe Mill Surveillance and Steel Mill Inspection

Data Management Solutions

Pipe Mill Surveillance and Steel Mill Inspection is a type of procedure implemented on any tubular product and at any pipe mill shop to ensure that the material needed is available in compliance with the relevant specification and standard.

Velosi’s expert inspection team, spanning across the globe, keeps extensive knowledge throughout the manufacturing processes by using the membership of societies like the American Petroleum Institute (API). We also offer our clients an option of choosing from a full inspection team to random surveillance professional, depends on the specific requirements of the project.

Our Mill Inspection Services cover the below elements:

Line pipe
Steel production
Oil Country Tubular Goods (OCTG) that include drill pipe and specialized casings

We offer our clients a wide spectrum of options from a full inspection team to random surveillance. The inspection team may consist of expatriate personnel, local personnel or a mix of the two to match the project requirements.

Our Pipe Mill Surveillance and Steel Mill Inspection services incorporate:

Material Control Evaluation
Material Receiving Inspection
Production Surveillance
Procedure Verification
Laboratory Material Testing Surveillance
Traceability Surveillance
Non-destructive Testing Surveillance
Visual and Dimensional Inspection
Hydrostatic Testing Surveillance
Identification Inspection
Transportation Inspection and Evaluation (for Truck, Rail and Vessel)
Claim Evaluation and Inspection
Safety Inspection
Coating Inspection
Thread Gauging (containing Specialist Thread Geometries)


Case Studies