Electrical Gap Analysis

Electrical systems are the backbone of any facility. As with time, codes and standards evolve, and best practices may contribute to innovation.  An electrical gap analysis is a crucial service that assists to identify discrepancies between your existing electrical infrastructure and current safety regulations and industry best practices. An efficient gap analysis is necessary to mark unidentified gaps within an electrical system to avoid safety hazards, compliance issues, and reduced efficiency with higher energy costs.

Our extensive Electrical Gap Analysis combines with Electrical Safety Inspection as per NFPA 70E & ANSI/NETA Standards to provide a comprehensive evaluation to identify and address potential safety hazards and ensure compliance with industry best practices.


Benefits of Electrical Gap Analysis

Enhanced Design Efficiency

Highlights areas where the current system falls short, allows our expert engineers to focus design efforts on bridging those gaps, leading to a more efficient and targeted design solution.


Prioritizes optimized spending and avoids unnecessary work. This leads to a significant cost saving approach throughout the project lifecycle.

Streamlined Maintenance

Identifies potential maintenance issues and areas requiring future upgrades. This proactive approach allows for preventative maintenance plans and avoids costly equipment failures.

Reduced Project Risk

Helps mitigate potential problems before to save time and money during project execution.


Case Studies