The Study of Verification of Safety Levels Integrities (SIL) All Instrumented Functions Safety Complex GL1Z, GL2Z, GL1K, GP2Z AND GP1Z

Sonatrach, the national state-owned oil company of Algeria, hired Velosi to carry out Study of Classification Level Safety Integrity of all SIL safety instrumented functions Complex GL1Z, GL2Z, GL1K, GP2Z and GP1Z for their assets located in Arzew and Skikda, Algeria.
Velosi has successfully carried out Study of Classification Level Safety Integrity of all SIL safety instrumented functions Complex GL1Z, GL2Z, GL1K, GP2Z and GP1Z for Sonatrach’s assets to ensure the formation of the Client’s staff in IEC61508 and IEC 61511, for intended safety and fit for purpose for the next 20 years.
Scope of Work
- Safety Integrity Level (SIL) study
- Risk processing instrumentation/control and identification of RIS
- Design/commissioning/editing and analysis tools SIS (Safety Instrumented System)
- Managing the safety lifecycle (Maintenance and Operation of SIS)
- Implementing SIL calculation software with license and training operations
- Conducting a review of SIL instrumented safety functions.
- Finalization of IEC 61508 and 61511 Training
- Delivery of “VAIL -SIL” software
- SIL Classification/Verification Study Reports
- Safety Requirements Specification Document
- Safety Lifecycle Document