Asset Integrity Management System Implementation (VAIL-Plant Software) for TANAP

Our Role

VELOSI has successfully completed Asset Integrity Management System Implementation (VAIL-Plant Software) for TANAP with following modules:

  • Pipeline Integrity Management System (PIMS-Onshore) – 1,350 km pipeline
  • Pressurized Equipment Management System (PEMS)
  • Pressure Safety Valve Management System (PSVMS)

In addition to the above, VAIL-Plant software was successfully integrated with SAP, ENVISION and PIMS-Onshore with GIS.

The Trans Anatolian Pipeline Project (TANAP) is a dynamic global venture entailing Natural Gas Distribution through Turkey to Europe. TANAP combines with the South Caucasus Pipeline (SCP) and the Trans-Adriatic Pipeline (TAP) to form the South Natural Gas Corridor.

In view of the successful completion of Phase – 0 activities, TANAP has awarded the Plaque of Success to Velosi Asset Integrity Limited, in recognition to their limitless efforts and dedication towards the project execution.

Let us help you to provide the best solution for your asset !