Pakistan Refinery Limited (PRL) has awarded a project to Velosi to perform Building Integrity Assessment in Korangi Industrial Area, Karachi, Pakistan.

Pakistan Refinery Limited (PRL)
February 26, 2024
Our Role

The objective of the Integrity Assessment is to evaluate and analyze the existing structure (linear as well as non-linear) based on the latest strength of concrete. The analysis will be based on codes showing that the structure is sufficient to carry on the existing loading conditions as well as seismic loading and all possible calculations.

Velosi civil team will gather on-site data to prepare complete as-built structural drawings. They will perform non-destructive and destructive testing on structural members to evaluate the existing strength and condition of the material. After collecting all the data through fieldwork, laboratory testing and data shared by the client, a 3D structural model will be generated with the help of as-built structural drawings using
computer-based / simulation software to assess the structural performance under gravity and seismic loads, and the foundation under all load parameters and considerations.

Finally, a report will be made based on the findings and software analysis, highlighting the defects and their remedial measures. The retrofit design and methodology will be given in case of inadequate condition of structures.

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Velosi Integrity & Safety Pakistan has been awarded a contract by SEPCO III to conduct Technical Training (NDT Level II training)

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