How Civil NDT Service is revolutionizing the Way We Keep Structures Safe

Civil NDT Service Introduction: What is NDT?

Testing, testing, and testing is the most essential key factor. Non-destructive testing (NDT) is a type of evaluation technique that is used to evaluate the structural integrity of objects without damaging them. Different types of equipment can be used for this technique, including ultrasonic, radiography, and eddy currents. Depending on the specificity of non-destructive testing.

In industry, non-destructive tests (NDTs) are used for evaluating the characteristics of materials, components, structures, or systems for defects and discontinuities without damaging the original components. There are also a few terms that can be used to describe NDT, including the non-destructive examination (NDE), non-destructive inspection (NDI), and non-destructive evaluation (NDE).

The Difference between Destructive & Non-Destructive Testing

Destructive testing is known to damage objects during the process of testing. Usually, once the object is damaged, it cannot be further used and goes to waste. While, on the other hand, during the process of non-destructive testing, the object is not damaged, as said above. This difference marks non-destructive testing as an efficient technique to maintain structural integrity.

When we talk about NDT, let’s not forget about the benefits associated with non-destructive structural testing:

  • Reduce waste cost
  • Prevent potential structural accidents/mishaps
  • Identify fault areas before structural failure
  • Apply extensive testing techniques
  • Enhance product reliability/durability

Different Types of Civil NDT Services Available and How They Help Maintain Structures  

Nowadays, the construction industry has become much more complex than before, and structural integrity has a high demand. For sure, no one wants faulty structures with expensive solutions, due to which reliable civil engineering services are important.

Schmidt Hammer Testing

Figure 1 Schmidt Hammer Testing – Velosi Services

Velosi Integrity & Safety Pakistan (Pvt.) ltd. offers a wide range of extensive civil engineering services that hold the competency to ensure the effective functioning and reliability of your asset. Our in-house advanced NDT equipment is capable enough to execute cost and time-efficient solutions to maintain and enhance structural integrity.

NDT Standards

Figure 2 Standards

How Civil NDT Services Can Help You Save Money & Time

Civil engineering is a broad term and covers a wide range of services. It includes the designing, constructing, and maintaining of structures such as bridges, roads, buildings, and other civil structures.

The civil engineering industry is rapidly changing with the emergence of new technologies which is making complex tasks possible in a much shorter time span than before. Concerning time and money, advancements are contributing to a great advantage in saving both. With Our latest equipment, you can have your asset thoroughly tested and inspected within a shorter period of time, ensuring its durability with legal codes and standards.

We know both time and money are difficult to grasp and maintain, especially when it comes to the productivity of any business. Thorough effective testing and inspections can help in maintaining the structural integrity of assets.

Structural Integrity Services

Figure 3 Velosi’s Structural Integrity Services

Conclusion – The Importance of Civil NDT in Preventing Accidents

To conclude, structural accidents are a common occurrence in today’s society. Unfortunately, accidents can have devastating consequences and can result in injury, death, and huge property damage. Civil NDT helps to prevent accidents by reducing the number of accidental deaths and injuries by 50%.

Civil NDT is a public safety issue that is often overlooked. This is why it is important for people to understand its significance and how it affects them on a daily basis. If the base or your structure is fully damaged, it will definitely account for life-death risks, which can be controlled by effective testing and advanced equipment.

Please contact us for more information and assistance.

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