BeAAT Expansion Project – Health, Safety and Environmental Impact Assessment (HSEIA) Study

ADNOC appointed Velosi to perform a Health, Safety and Environmental Impact Assessment (HSEIA) Study for their BeAAT expansion project based in Ruwais, UAE.
HSEIA Studies: To perform an HSEIA Study which will describe how to design for HSE integrity, and shall be prepared in accordance with ADNOC COPV1-02.
Scope of Work
- Identify the hazards inherent in the operation of the facilities/plant/equipment
- Build a Hazard & Effects Register
- Build Bowties for the MAH
- Risk assessments and to demonstrate ALARP
- Develop HSECES Performance Standards
- HAZID/ENVID/OHID Workshops and Reports
- Bow-Ties Workshop and Report
- ALARP Workshop and Report
- Simultaneous Operations (SIMOPS) Workshop and Report
- Environmental Impact Assessment
- Fire Risk Analysis
- Quantitative Risk Assessment Report
- Pollution Prevention and Control Report
- Noise Assessment Study Report
- Occupational Health Risk Assessment Report
- Air Dispersion Modelling and Assessment Report
- HSECES identification, Performance Standards and Written Scheme of Examination
- Control of Major Accident Hazards (COMAH)
- Emergency Response Plan
- Fire and Gas Mapping Study
- Evacuation, Escape and Rescue Analysis (EERA)
- Emergency System Survivability Analysis (ESSA)
- HSEIA Report