Day 01 / Empowering Safety, Efficiency & Sustainability with Velosi at The Middle East Integrity Management Conference and Showcase

The first day of the Middle East Integrity Management Conference and Showcase (AIMCS) emphasized key strategies on empowering organizations to achieve enhanced safety standards, improved operational efficiency, and sustainable yet compliant energy solutions.

28th - 30th May 2024
Our Role

Experts at Velosi shared their approach of valuable contribution towards the high availability of assets and efficient operations. Thus, this focus on safe and efficient infrastructure has the potential to lead well-order operations and peak infrastructure performance.

Participants gained relative insights about critical factors that revolved around enhancing the safety management system and effective methods for optimizing maintenance practices.

Join us tomorrow (29 May 2024, 9:30-10:00 AM) for an interactive session as Mr. Suleyman Suleymanov (Integrity Management Manager, TANAP) and Mr. Tony Williams (General Manager – Global Sales in Velosi Asset Integrity HSE & Engineering Services) will present the strategic Implementation of PIMS for the Trans-Anatolian Natural Gas Pipeline (TANAP), a crucial infrastructure project – the “Silk Road of Pipelines”

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