Health, Safety and
Environmental Consultancy
Velosi is specialized in delivering various Health, Safety
And Environmental (HSE) Consultancy Services for the entire project life cycle.
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Health, Safety and
Environmental Consultancy
Velosi is specialized in delivering various Health, Safety
And Environmental (HSE) Consultancy Services for the entire project life cycle.
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Environmental Studies

Environmental Studies is an integrative academic field that methodically studies human interaction with the environment. It incorporates better practices and more balanced approaches to reduce the impact on the environment, conserving the natural resources for future generations.

The main purpose of Environmental Studies is to build a world where people are fully aware of and concerned about the issues associated with the environment, and are devoted to working towards creating solutions for current problems and preventing future problems.

Benefits of Environmental Studies:

Helps you meet your strategic and regulatory requirements.
Allows you to grow your business through environmentally responsible solutions.
Significantly reduces environmental impacts by implementing effective management and monitoring guidelines, and by eventually complying with local and international guidelines.

An Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) can be described as a standard method to identify, predict, evaluate and mitigate the biophysical, social, and other appropriate effects of development proposals ahead of crucial decisions are taken and commitments are made. In short, EIA is a method of assessing the environmental impacts of a proposed project or development. It ensures that the environmental implications of decisions on development proposals are taken into account before the decisions are made with below considerations:

Environmental impacts are identified, recorded & assessed. Environmental impacts and risks are managed during the project cycle.
On-site and off-site emergency plan is prepared for any environmental emergency situation at facility/project.
To safeguard life, environment & business.
Prevention plan for environmental protection in line with regulatory requirements.
Suitable measures have been identified and the critical activities are in place

Environmental Management Plan (EMP) is a regulatory tool used to make sure that all the undue or reasonably avoidable adverse impacts of the construction, operation and decommissioning of a particular project are timely avoided, and that positive benefits of that project are substantially increased.

Environmental Compliance Audit (ECA) is a systematic analysis of the compliance status of a facility and/or the extent of environmental liability. This process is a documented assessment of a facility, focusing on the present operating and administrative processes.

Environmental Modelling and Assessment (EMA) allows a deeper understanding of the major processes and techniques to manage environmental changes. The assessment incorporates network monitoring design, sampling and related installation, and data analysis.

An Environmental Monitoring and Testing (EMT) process is defined as a series of methods that help identify and audit the quality of the environment. Unwanted pollutants and elements can adversely affect the quality of air and water in the environment. By applying environmental monitoring and testing methods, we can conserve, protect and enhance the environment quality, remediating these unwanted pollutants and elements.

Environmental Monitoring & Testing Services:

Indoor Air Quality Monitoring
Ambient Air Quality Monitoring
Noise Level Monitoring
Stack Emission Monitoring
Light Level Monitoring
Formaldehyde Monitoring
Site Meteorological Data Monitoring
Soil & Water Analysis
Particulate Matter Monitoring


Case Studies