VAIL-Plant Module - Civil Integrity Management System (CIMS)

Based on standard SEI/ASCE 11-99, VAIL-Plant CIMS module is dedicated for assessment and inspection management of civil natures like Concrete Structures, Pipe Sleeper, Flare, Water Well, Fencing, Culvert, Foundations, Roads & Paving, Buildings and Pipe Track Foundation, etc.

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VAIL-Plant CIMS Module Salient Features

Engineering and layout information of all civil nature.
Maintains the hierarchical tree to provide better understanding of the civil’s components according to their levels.
Defect Assessment, Risk Ranking and recommended repairs.
Calculation of total defected area, estimated man-days & their cost and overall cost for the recommended repairs.
Inspection Planning & logistics requirements.
Complete history recording of previously done inspections.
Drawings Management.
Graphical Trends.
Effective Reporting.
Custom Query.

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